Back23. 10. 2019 Articles
We were especially looking forward to this news and we are happy to be able to offer you the best and freshest version of argan oil in two variants this year:

???? Standard
???? activated carbon filtered

The oil was produced this autumn from this summer's harvest directly in the mecca of argan - Morocco. So you're getting the best that argan has to offer.

Just out of interest:

☝️ it takes more than 2 kg of shelled kernels to produce one litre of oil, which is so far shelled by hand.
☝️ In Africa, after decades of abuse and destruction of argan forests, UNESCO has established a protected area of 2 560 000 hectares called a biosphere reserve.reserve, which, on the one hand, creates space for a community of family-run businesses focused on oil production, and the maintenance of the forest largely prevents the desert from expanding.

So what does this standard and filtered oil mean?

You can find three treatments/grades of argan oil quality on the market:

???? The first is the standard oil, which only goes through the filtration process once. Some of the sediment is removed, but the natural aroma is retained.

???? The second stage is double filtration, which ensures that the oil is clean but loses its natural aroma - this is called deodorised oil.

???? The rarest form of treatment is just oil filtered through activated carbon - this is a filter that on the one hand, it cleans the oil very gently of sediment, but at the same time preserves its original properties and therefore its aroma. This is the highest quality stage of treatment for this oil. At the same time, it has a milder aroma than the standard, which also has a certain citrus component in its range. Only a very small amount of the oil's production is treated in this way, which is why it is also one of the most expensive variants.

What can you use argan oil for?

Argan oil has been nicknamed 'liquid gold' not only because of its beautiful golden colour, but also because of its exceptional beneficial effects, especially on the skin and hair.
Its nutritional value exceeds that of all nourishing vegetable oils. For example, vitamin E alone, as a basis for healthy skin, hair and eyes, is contained in almost twice the amount of olive oil.
Most of the fat content of the oil comes from oleic acid (43-49%) and linoleic acid (29-36%).
Other compounds in lower proportions such as coenzyme Q10, melatonin and plant sterols also play an important role in the antioxidant process.

What are the health benefits of the ingredients in the oil?

Argan oil is considered to be an oil for women in particular, as its main effects have been shown in the aging process and skin elasticity:
???? helps reduce wrinkles
???? softens the skin
???? increases skin elasticity and tightness
???? regenerates the skin (by revitalizing the functionality of the cells and thus preventing premature aging of the skin, for example, due to excessive sun exposure, pollution, stress, smoking)
???? has moisturising properties, even stronger than olive oil or shea butter
???? does not contain cholesterol, which makes it more effective
???? has positive effects on sebum regulation, which reduces skin oiliness
???? reduces inflammation and reduces skin irritation
???? excellent action on damaged and scarred skin after smallpox or measles
???? excellent as a prevention of stretch marks in pregnant women
???? its antimicrobial properties help in reducing acne
???? treats eczema and psoriasis

Hair - the crown of beauty ????
So this formula doesn't have to be a utopia ????Argan oilcan help you get it:
???? hair strengthens and looks so healthy
???? restores damaged hair and prevents split ends
???? adds shine to dull hair
???? softens the texture of the hair and thus also reduces their wavy appearance and gets unmanageable hair under control
???? helps strengthen brittle hair

Apart from hair and skin, argan can also be applied to brittle and brittle nails to nourish and strengthen them, or to puffy eyes, either alone or contained in a cream.

Ladies will also appreciate it as an excellent moisturising base under mineral make-up, which tends to dry out the skin.
If you want to give your whole body a nutritional bomb, treat yourself to a massage with argan oil. You won't regret it.

We hope you won't hesitate now and this precious oil will find a place of honour on your cosmetic shelf.

Article prepared for you by

Martina Oboňová

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