Back21. 02. 2020 Articles
We're dedicating this entire week to moisturizing our skin with moisturizers and emollients. However, for the hydration process to be effective, you need to prepare your skin and complexion. Yesterday, we talked about how great activated charcoal is at ridding the skin of toxins and impurities in the porous area. Another very good way to prepare your skin for hydration is exfoliation.

What is skin exfoliation anyway? :-)

Exfoliation is a process that also helps to rid the skin of dirt, sebum and various buildups, but especially dead skin cells. The skin naturally sheds millions of skin cells every day. However, as we age, this natural release process slows down or even stops.
The skin becomes dull, wrinkled and loses its natural radiant appearance.
If the process of exfoliation and renewal of skin cells does not occur, you can cover the skin with the best moisturizers, the clogging will not stop and the desired effect will not be achieved. Even the best make-up, which guarantees you an amazing look, will not occur to the same extent.

What are the main benefits of exfoliation?

???? rids the skin of dead skin cells
???? restores cell production
???? improves skin penetration, which in practice means that it allows skin care products to penetrate deeper layers of the skin, thus better cleansing, nourishing and hydrating it
???? evens out skin tone
So how do you promote cell renewal?

There are two basic forms of exfoliation:

For this form, you either need a tool that has a textured surface such as a face brush with aor a sponge, or a rougher cloth, or a facial scrub, in the form of various physical exfoliants. In this case, the great news is that such exfoliating ingredients can be easily found in natural form.
The most commonly used natural physical exfoliants include:
???? S trawberry seeds
???? ground walnut shells
???? ground apricot shells
???? ground almond shells
???? ground pumice powder
???? jojoba beads
???? cosmetic clays

Or even food supplements such as:
???? coarse sea salt
???? crystal sugar
???? ground coffee beans

Exfoliation is recommended to be practiced 2 to 3 times a week, applying the exfoliating mixture in gentle circular motions, as if you want to gently massage and exfoliate your skin. The sensation is already noticeable after the first exfoliation, but don't let yourself be overwhelmed by this super tool. If you exfoliate too often or too sparingly, you can do more harm than good to yourself and especially to your skin. Excessive exfoliation can result in dull, stressed skin again, in extreme cases even redness, increased sensitivity and even skin micro-wounds.
With everything, even natural, that is, in moderation.

TIP: You can achieve a daily gentle body scrub by adding exfoliating ingredients to your skin care products, such as soaps or shower gels.

Chemical exfoliation penetrates a little deeper. Chemical exfoliators work by working on the surface of the skin and gently dissolving the bonds between dead skin cells. This type of exfoliation creates softer, smoother skin, which is then radiant and glowing.
Although it is called chemical, it is carried out by natural ingredients, of course, it is necessary to choose the best quality ones and the positive side is that its application is not harsh and there is no risk of micro-cracks forming in the skin.
The most common ingredients tend to be hydro acids and also some enzymes, the most well-known ingredient is lactic acid, but you can also find fruit acids or milk itself in recipes.
And as you can see, men don't shy away from skin care either ???? Maybe sometimes they are more consistent than us women ????????

Article prepared for you by

Martina Oboňová

If you have any insights, please feel free to write to us at marketing@handymade.sk
