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Photo gallery

The gallery is dedicated to all of you who want to present yourselves, make yourselves visible, show off your works, get inspiration or courage to create or just - to admire :).i myself am always amazed at what can be created with a little bit of skill and imagination :).we'd love to post photos of your products here, along with information about you, or a link to your sales page (after all, there's never enough advertising in today's world, is there? :))

If you're interested in putting your work on display here for the world to see, feel free to email us at info@handymde.sk.

We can't wait :)

14.2.2016 Photo gallery

Get inspired with us

We bring you some pictures to start with, whether of the soap making process, the ingredients or the finished products. New tutorials, procedures, tips and tricks will be coming soon. Are you excited?

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