How do pH papers work?

Back17. 02. 2020 Articles
Many of you will be familiar with pH papers.
In our offer we have two types:
???? litmus indicator papers
???? phenolphthalein indicator papers
Litmus paperics are the most versatile kind because they measure pH in the widest range from 0 to 12.
While phenolphthalein papers are already limited to a pH range of 8.3-10, they are more accurate.

But do you know how indicator papers work properly?

First of all, you need to know the different pH scales:
???? Acidic environments have values of 0-7
alkaline environments have values 7-14
a neutral environment is 7
(as also shown in the figure)

In the case of litmus papers, the use is quite simple: the paper is dipped into the test solution for one second and then placed on a non-absorbent pad. Within a few seconds, the paper becomes coloured, and the colour scale on the packaging is used to determine the approximate pH (most acidic) of the paper.the most acidic pH is determined by the deep red colour, which moves through yellow, green and blue to the most alkaline pH).
Its main purpose is to determine whether your liquid is acidic, basic or neutral.

In the case of phenolphthalein papers, the procedure is identical, but the pH is determined based on a different coloration. The slips are white and if the pH of the solution exceeds 8.3, the slip will turn red.

The different colouration is caused by the reaction of the solution to the substance used in the papers (litmus or phenolphthalein), therefore the above colour scale does not apply to all indicator papers and it is necessary to always check which kind of pH measuring papers you use ☝️

The article was prepared for you by

Martina Oboňová

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